

BAM百安木 BAM百安木 2022-01-13


打住,历史课就上到这里!今天我们要告诉大家的是 BAM 对树木的热爱。保持耐心,这将是一个很长的故事,最后还会有一个特别的惊喜!

Hi Folks! Today, on March the 12th, all of China is celebrating the National Arbor Day! One hunderd and five years ago, in 1915, famous Chinese forestry scientists Ling Daoyang and Han An, founded this celebration in order to raise awareness among the people to protect forests. Back then Arbor Day (also known as the Tree Planting Day) was celebrated on the day of Qingming Festival, but in 1929 the celebration date was changed to March 12 to commemorate the passing of the Nationalist leader Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. 50 years later, in 1979, the nature-preservation idea behind Arbor Day was reinforced with a Nationwide Voluntary Tree-planting Campaign, which over the years resulted in a tradition to collectively plant trees on Arbor Day.

But, enough history! Today we want to tell you all about BAM’s big LOVE for TREES. Hold on tight, it will be a long story with a special surprise at the end!

▲  15个壮汉帮助这棵栾树在北京缦合(MAHA)的新家站稳了脚跟。

A total of fifteen strong men are summoned to help Koelreuteria paniculata stand up at her new residence in Beijing MAHA!

▲ “如果你想把事情做好,就得自己动手!”——BAM 联合创始人 Jake Walker。
BAM co-founder Jake Walker:“If you want it done right, do it yourself!”

▲  左:枫树在北京缦合上空舞动。右:BAM 在可以远眺东京塔的31层花园里植树。
Left: Maple flying high at Beijing MAHA. Right: BAM on site planting Quercus myrsinafolia on a 31st floor garden overlooking Tokyo Tower.

▲  我们不仅仅是种树,我们也给树化妆。

We not only plant trees, we also do their make up!

▲  上层:BAM 上海团队来到苗圃选树!即将做出一些非常艰难的决定!
Top: BAM Shanghai crew visiting a nursery to pick trees! Some very difficult decisions are about to be made!

▲  1)Jake Walker 给位于蓟县的一大棵色木槭打上标签。2)BAMMERs(BAM 成员的昵称)在上海的一个苗圃里欣赏风景。3)郝雪为选树报告中的丛生元宝枫作下记录。4)选树小组摆出了 BAM 的“超级英雄”标志性造型!
1) Jake Walker tags a large Acer mono maxim in Jixian. 2) BAMMERs enjoying the view at a grasses nursery in Shanghai. 3) Hao Xue documents a multi trunk Acer truncatum for tree-picking report. 
4) Tree-picking team performing the BAM signature super-hero pose!

▲  在日本台风之后的选树。

Tree picking after typhoon in Japan!

▲  大小是相对的!这棵黑松在著名的深坑酒店里看好像不大,结果连卡车都差点儿装不下它!猜猜看,这些树价值多少钱?
Size is relative! This Pinus thunbergii may look small compared to the famous Quarry Hotel until you find that it barely fits in a truck! Can you guess how much one of these trees costs?

▲  以上是 BAM 小伙伴科文自己种植秋葵的故事。这是 BAM 联合创始人 Daniel Gass 从日本带回的特殊品种。

Above a tale about how BAMMER Kewen grew her own aster shurb, a special species that BAM co-founder Daniel Gass brought from Japan.

▲  BAM 的新芽。

Cony: “Baby BAMMERs taking care of Baby Plants”

▲  左:为了未来的建设项目起见,BAMMERs 的使命是保护现有的树木不被砍伐!右上:王和 Dan 在现场考察植物灌溉系统。右下:Dan Gass 来到北京缦合现场,确保所有的东西都是一流的。

Left: BAMMERs on a mission to safe existing trees from being chopped for the sake of a future construction project! Top Right: Wang and Dan examining the plant irrigation system on site. Bottom Right: Dan Gass making sure the things are really top-notch on site of Beijing MAHA.

▲ “不要用球形树!”BAM 创始人说道。在 BAM,每一种树都有自己的3D模型。

“No robot-trees!” say BAM founders, at BAM each tree-species has it’s own 3D-model.

▲  多年来,BAM 已经建立起一个拥有120多个独立树种的资源库!
Over the years BAM has built a library with over 120 individual tree-species!

点击下方图片阅读 BAM 往期精彩:

Click the following pictures to read more about BAM:

